This Starter Kit is based around the Arduino Uno development board which features the AVR ATmega328 microcontroller. It includes tonnes of pieces to help you get familiar with the Arduino Uno board and electronics. A full list of parts can be found below. However, as these kits haev all been used before, the parts may be assembled or connected already.
What’s included?
Arduino Project Book (containing 15 projects)
Arduino Uno rev.3 microcontroller board
USB cable
Wood base
9V battery snap
70 x hard cables
2 x flexible cables
6 x photoresistors
2 x photocouplers
3 x trimmer d10KOhm
10 x pushbuttons
Sensors: 1 x temperature, 1 x tilt
1 x LCD (16x2i)
29 x LEDs (RGB, white, red, green, yellow, blue)
1 x CC motor 6/9 V
1 x servomotor
1 x piezo
1 x H-bridge
5 x BC547s Transistors
2 x IRF520s MOSFETs
Capacitors: 5 x 100nF, 3 x 100uF, 5 x 100pF
5 x 1N4007 diodes,
3 x transparent jellies
1 x male strip connector
55 x Resistors: various resistances